
Let go in order to achieve. The wise facilitator speaks rarely and briefly, teaching more through being than doing.  - Tao Te Ching

Community Solutions offers well established and professional facilitation programs. Our neutral facilitators help groups move beyond impasse, brainstorm solutions, and identify action plans. They also help groups develop meeting agendas and long-term plans. Perhaps our most successful facilitation efforts to date include those we provide to the Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program or OFAP. Working in partnership with Mediation Case Manager or MCM - the company contracted by the State of Oregon to administer OFAP - we've facilitated more than 1,000 meetings, placing at-risk homeowners around the table with mortgage lenders, legal representatives, and home counseling professionals. 

Other facilitation programs we continue to develop include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping organizations with strategic development; creating or revisiting their mission, vision, and guiding principles. 
  • Assisting area organizations and local government during collaborative problem-solving or consensus-building on community issues.
  • Guiding public meeting participants through a defined process to understand an issue or initiative, and voice opinions and ideas for consideration. 

For more on how one of our trained facilitators can help your class, company, agency, or organization get the most out of their next meeting, contact our Community Solutions staff at support@solutionsco.org, or call our offices at (541) 383-0187. 

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